Monday 03 March 2025

Bachelor Degree in Anesthesiology 




 This bachelor’s degree program trains students to enter the highly competitive field of anesthesiology. Before many surgeries and treatments, substances that reduce pain and render patients unconscious must be administered. Core courses tend to include healthcare terminology, pulmonary anatomy and physiology, airway management, pharmacology, and methods of patient monitoring.  Students will understand how to properly administer anesthetic substances and monitor patients throughout the process.




Bachelor's degree in anesthesiology program is offered by the Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences. Anesthesiology training programs was first established in 1996 as an associated degree in anesthesiology. It was first the Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences to recognize the importance of baccalaureate education in anesthesiology and become the pioneer in the transition in the anesthesiology education program by upgrading its education from an associated degree to a graduate program, bachelor in anesthesiology in Ilam University of Medical Sciences.


Currently (June 2021) there are 147 registered students, namely the students of continuous undergraduate program (4-year bachelor, N= 107) and the students of discontinuous undergraduate program (2-year associated degree + 2-year bachelor, N= 40), studies in the field of anesthesiology in the Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences.


Our faculty admits students in two different program types including the bachelor's degree in Anesthesiology (continuous and non-continuous).

Please be noted that those who have an associated degree in Anesthesiology are eligible to apply for a non-continuous Bachelor of Anesthesiology.


-Learn more about the Course Structure/ Course Description  guide in Bachelor Degree in Anesthesiology (Continuous)

-Learn more about the Course Structure/ Course Description  guide in Bachelor Degree in Anesthesiology(Non-Continuous)

- Learn more About the Available Academic Advisors 

-Learn More about the Admission Requirements

-learn More About the Students Guidance Booklet

-Students apply to the IUMS Anesthesiology program through the IUMS website (Apply Now)