Monday 03 March 2025

Master Degree in Medical Parasitology 





Medical Parasitology is the branch of sciences dealing with parasites that infect humans, clinical picture, and the response produced by humans against them. It is also concerned with various methods of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and control of the disease caused by parasites. A parasite is an organism that lives on or within another organism called the host. There are different types of parasites and hosts. Parasites are either unicellular (protozoa) or multicellular (helminths and arthropods). They may live inside the host called endoparasites or on the host surface called ectoparasites.


Master degree in Medical Parasitology


This program provides core training in the theoretical and practical aspects of medical parasitology, covering the protozoan and metazoan parasites of humans and the vectors which transmit them. Students will gain specialized skills to enable them to pursue a career in research, control, or teaching related to medical parasitology.


History of Medical Parasitology


Medical Parasitology is an old discipline focusing on parasitic diseases studied by scientists and researchers. Avicenna, about one thousand years ago, observed a number of parasites in the human body. He described some of them (such as worms) which were visible by naked eyes. Avicenna also noted signs of some parasitic diseases whose agents were not visible at that time. Parasitic diseases are important among other infectious diseases because, despite many efforts to combat them, they are still causing mortality and irreparable difficulties in human societies worldwide.


Several studies were performed in various areas of parasitic diseases by using new technologies and advanced sciences such as taxonomy, immunology, biochemistry, epidemiology, biotechnology, pharmacology, and genetics. They helped identify parasites, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and control of some parasitic diseases and illustrate the importance of a number of parasitic diseases including emergence and reemergence diseases. The widespread scientific progress in the field of parasitic diseases entails the need for developing educational programs and training master graduates in Medical Parasitology at the Ilam University of Medical Sciences.




By the end of this program students should be able to demonstrate:

  1. Demonstrate detailed knowledge and understanding of the biology, life cycles, pathogenesis, diagnosis of parasitic infections in humans and their relevance for human health and strategies for control
  2. Demonstrate detailed knowledge and understanding of the biology and strategies for control of the vectors and intermediate hosts of human parasites
  3. Carry out practical laboratory identification of the various parasite stages both free and in tissues and diagnose infections
  4. Demonstrate specialized skills acquired through taking modules on advanced diagnostic, molecular, immunological, genetic, chemotherapeutic, ecological, and/or control aspects of the subject
  5. Demonstrate the ability to design a laboratory or field-based research project, apply relevant research skills, critically analyses and interpret data, and work with minimal supervision
  6. Prepare a written report including a critical literature review of relevant scientific publications, and show competence in communicating scientific information and findings.

Admission Requirements


The normal minimum entrance qualification for registration at the faculty of Allied Medical Sciences on a Master's program is at least one of the following:


  1. Admission to the master program requires a bachelorette level degree (or equivalent) in related fields such as  Parasitology, Medical Entomology, Microbiology, Medical Immunology, Laboratory Science, Veterinary Laboratory Science, General Biology (Zoology, Cellular, Molecular, and Microbial Biology), and Genetics
  2. A satisfactory academic record: Applicants must obtain a record of transcripts from the institution they have attended. There is no minimum required GPA to secure admission to a graduate program. However, competitive applicants have a GPA of 3.00 or above
  3. Applications with appropriate technical qualifications, or equivalent qualifications and experience from overseas, are also welcomed.


- Learn more About the Available Academic Advisors 

-Learn More about the Admission Requirements

-learn More About the Students Guidance Booklet

-Students apply to the IUMS Medical Parasitology program through the IUMS website (Apply Now)